Sunday, September 14, 2008

Countable and Uncountable nouns.
Countable Nouns
Are the things that you can count.
Example: Dog, table ...
We can use the articles: a and and with the countable nouns.
Example: A table is a furniture, an elephat are an animal.
We can use: many. with the countable nouns.
Example: I have got many dogs.
Uncountable nouns.
Are thing that we can not count,examples: concepts, substances..., example the milk you can not count: one milk...
Example: milk, water, salt.
We can say ... of ... subsituig a and an.
Example: Spoonfull of salt.
We can use little and much.
Example: I have not got much milk.

Friday, September 12, 2008

David Villa

His nickname is ''El Guáje'', He is born in Langreo, Asturias.

Villa is a football player of the Valencia c.f and is a very good player, villa is a player of the spanish selection, he plays in the position of forward and is the Maximum scorer of the Valencia and spanish selection.

His first club are the ''Langreo'', when he have 17 years old he register in the ''Sporting'', in the 2003 Villa register to the ''Zaragoza'' and the zaragoza register Villa with the cost of 3 millions, in 2006 Villa register into the ''Valencia'' and this club paid 12 millions.

His trophys are:

''copa del rey'' with the Zaragoza in 2004

''copa del rey'' with the Valencia in 2008

''eurocopa'' with the Spanish Selection in 2008

individual trophys:

''zarra'' in 2006

''zarra'' in 2007

maxim scorer of the ''eurocopa'' in 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Will and Going to
In the simple future are two forms : Will and Going to.
The form of the will are: will + verb in infinitive.
To say thing in that the action is not assurance:
Example: My brother will play football.
To say predictions:
Example: Tomorrow will be clouded.
For promises:
Example: I will phone you tomorrow.
Offers of help:
Example: I will help you tomorrow.
In the negative the will is use: won't.
Example: My brother won't play football.
The will also used: -'ll.
Example: I'll phone you next month.
Going To:
The form of the going to are: am, is or are + going to + verb in infinitive.
To say a thing that you sure do.
Example: I'm going to the Theatre.
Future Plans.
Example: I'm going to play basketball.
Example: I'm goin to see a film.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The past simple is used to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past.

In the afirmative the past simple is use with the person + the verb with -ed in the finish + complements.

Example: You called Vicent.

In the negative use: Person + verb (did ...) + not + verb + complements.

Example: You did not call Vicent.

In the interrogative use: verb (did ...) + person + verb + complements + ?.

Example: Did you call Vicent.

Use the Past Continuous to indicate that a longer action in the past was interrupted.

In the afirmative is use with: person + verb (were, was + verb with -eed in the finish) + adverb + person + verb with -ed in the finish.

Example: You were dressing when she phoned.

In the negative use: Person + verb (were, was)+ not + (erb with - ing in the finish) + adverb + person + verb with -ed in the finish.

Example: You were not dressing when she phoned.

In the interogative use: verb (were, was) + person + (erb with -ing in the finish)+ adverb + person + verb with -ed in the finish.

Example: Were you dressing when she phoned.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens. It can also be something a person often forgets or usually does not do.

In the afirmative, the present simple is use with the person (I, You...)+ the verb (play, eat ...)+ complements (water, apple ...).

Example: You play football.

In the negative use: Person+ don't+ the verb + complements.

Example: You don't play.

In the interogative use: Do+ person+ verb+ complements + ?

Example: Do you play?

Use the Present Continuous with normal verbs to express the idea that something is happening now, at this very moment. It can also be used to show that something is not happening now.

In the afirmative the present simple is with: The person + verb with -ing in the finish + complements.

Example: You are learning English now.

In the negative use: Person + verb + not + verb.

Example: You are not swimming now.

in teh interrogative use: verb + person + verb + ?

Example: Are you sleeping?

Monday, September 08, 2008


Is the scientific study of the relation of the organisms and his envoirement and the distribution of the organisms.

The ecology is a ampliation of the biology and study the oreganisms and are very diferents ways to study the organisms.

The ecology use things of others sciencies : Geology, Meteorology, Geography, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

In the ecology the tools more used are the stadistics and the mathematical models.

The most important person in the Ecology are Ernst Haeckel.