Conflict Palestinian Israeli
The conflict Palestinan-Israeli is a conflict between two great religions, the Jews (Israel) and the Muslims (Palestina), is started when after the second world war USA and Russia give to the Jews a territory in the Palestinian territory and called the country Israel.
With the time, Israel is expanding and remove territory to the palestinians, Hamas is a terrorist group, and thinks that the muslims are bad and attack here because they say that Israel is getting their territory and attack with missiles to Israel. and Israel has created the band of Gaza, this band is an area where no one lives because is the mostdangerous area wheremissiles of Hamas reach, but with the band of Gaza Hamas they don't stop with the attacks but not are missiles , are with suicides, that are rounded with bombs.
Israel is remove the band of Gaza and Hamas is return to attack with missiles and after Israel is attack with the troops and has killed many people.
From the point of view of Israel, Palestinians attack every time Isarel and are killed many people of his country and he is protect his country and Palestinian don't stop with the attacks and in this moment it don't see other solution that attack to Palestinian.
From the point of view of palestinian, Israel is an invasors that took they territory and after when Israel expanded it removed most territories and in this moment Israel is created a masacre with troops.