Monday, August 03, 2009

It's a rol online game of the company Blizzard creator of games like: Diablo, Warcraft, Starcraft, etc... but world of warcraft is completely diferent because is the most online game in the history, is based in the saga of wracraft, but is the first online game in this saga.The game have two expansions: burning crusade and wrath of the lich king, and have a lot of servers because have 11 millions of players in all the world, are three tipes of servers:
  • PvP (player vs player): in this servers the players of the alliance fight with the players of the horde.
  • PvE (player vs envoirement): in this server the players normally fight with monsters and complete missions to rise levels.
  • Rol: in this servers the player is interpretate his personage.

The game have two decrees:

  • alliance: the races of this decree are: humans, dwarfs, gnomes, draeneis, and dark elfs.
  • horde: the races are: undeads, orcs, trolls,blood elfs and taurens.

For play you choose one of the races and one class ( but all the class don't are compatible with all the races), the classes are:

Wizard, druide, hunter, paladin, priest, rogue, shaman, warlock, warrior, dark knight.

For me are the best game in the world because is very entertained and i like very much te rol and the online games, i have two personages: Harcanis (wizard un-dead level 36) and Gold (shaman troll level 15), i like the horde and the PvP servers.

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